Why Me?
I don’t believe in reinventing wheels-unless your wheel is totally unrepairable. I advocate a “heads-up” looking strategy, seeing what is coming over the horizon and how it might impact firms. I will often make suggestions to un-mercilessly copy best practice that may take place in other industry sectors.
Every project delivered is different. This is because law firms are different as are their aims, objectives, their own customer bases and their people.
Every project, like every journey, starts with a single step, an initial conversation.
Marketing Mirror
Holding up a mirror, acting as a sounding board and asking questions- aiming to get a ‘bigger bang from your marketing buck’.
See Marketing Mirror
Value Pricing
I passionately believe that if there is one way that you can change the way people think about lawyers, it’s by changing the way you charge for the service.
See Value Pricing
Areas I can assist with:
Development Opportunities
Brainstorming sessions to encourage the creation and propagation of new ideas.
Supporting Partners who may be underperforming to try and get them and their teams back on track.
Assisting with strategy design and implementation. This may be organising a day/weekend or facilitating a session as part of an event.
Making introductions to third party organisations who may be able to assist businesses achieve their marketing goals.
See Network
Networking Skills Training
Attending a networking event can be expensive not only in respect of the ticket price but the time expended as well. As we become more used to working from home and not getting out and “pressing the flesh” networking skills become more important. The word networking is self-explanatory. I am a passionate believer that going to an external event is not “Net Sit” or “Net Eat”- it is NETWORK.
Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring senior staff via bi-monthly 121s to “chew the fat”, coach and act as a sounding board. I know that being a law firm Managing Partner / CEO is a lonely job sometimes.
Business Values
Helping businesses understand and create values they can live by, articulate and communicate to customers and staff.
Knowledge Management
Create strategies and procedures that lead you to stop reinventing wheels and exploit one of the biggest assets in a business, your peoples’ “know how”. Ensure that “know how” is captured, exploited, and recycled. Your people should not only “sing off the same hymn sheet” they should know where it is stored.
Conference Speaker
I have spoken at several conferences on a variety of subjects including:
Implementing Value Pricing
Implementing Change Management – “Our Iceberg is melting”
Key Result Areas and High Performing Teams
Training Staff to Mediate Effectively
Conference Chairman
I have chaired literally hundreds of networking events and conferences, including two at which politicians attending later became Prime Minister! I bring to such events, some legal knowledge, an enquiring mind, the ability to ask the difficult question if no one from the floor does, an ability to stick to the timetable (no one likes sessions which run over), and a sense of humour.
See Testimonials